Community Cohesion

A robust sense of community identity, cohesion, continuity and inclusivity combine to give a strong ‘sense of place and belonging’ within Snowdonia.

To describe a sense of place, and belonging, is an elusive task, but it can perhaps be best described by the positive emotion felt of being valued by a community that has a strong sense of self. The beauty and enduring nature of Snowdonia has been carved throughout history by the combined forces of nature and human activity. 

Our communities have been moulded and shaped by their tough and beautiful environment, and we represent one of the last strongholds of the original post Ice Age inhabitants of the British Isles. Change and continuity have been considerable influences both from within the Park and beyond. This flux continues to be vital in defining, diversifying and strengthening the identity of our communities.


58% of residents in Snowdonia speak Welsh versus 21% in the whole of Wales.